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The Owl Spirit Messenger, Guide, Symbolism, Meaning, and Totem.

Writer's picture: Christie FlynnChristie Flynn

Updated: Dec 10, 2024

Today, I'm sharing insight into Animal Spirit Guides. In particular, the owl spirit.

In the animal kingdom, the owl is similar to the eaglein that it is a fierce protector, well-known as a symbol rich in wisdom, and a rare visitor.

If you’ve experienced a sighting of an owl, they are a messenger from a family member with similar qualities.

The owl offers a message - to focus on maintaining a path that includes stepping stones, much like a strategy consistent with meeting a planned goal.

The owl is a fierce defender of honor and the truth, which means owls have zero tolerance for deception or underhandedness.

On the other hand, the owl symbolizes new beginnings, an awakening with a new perspective, and a reminder to let go of past beliefs and views that hinder a direct path toward your future.

Seeing a snowy owl is perhaps one of the most incredible encounters to experience. Their ''whoot" sound lets you know they are close. If you were to gaze at a picture of a snowy owl, trust your own symbolic language of messages that flow through to your mind.

The white feathers represent happiness and peace and are often connected to a family member who has transitioned into the spirit realm. It reminds you to close your eyes and take big, deep breaths when tensions rise in any way. Placing your hand on your heart and abdomen, breathing in long, deep breaths, and releasing slow, relaxed breaths will help you ground and find the inner you within—your sanctuary.

I'd like to share a short story with you that I hold close to my heart.

When I first arrived in Ottawa after living in Saskatchewan from the time I was born until I was nine years old, my Uncle Fred scooped me up and held me tight. I didn't even know this man, but somehow, I knew in my own 'knowing' that we had met somehow in another way and time.

We stayed with my Uncle Fred and Aunt Lorraine for a few months until our new home was ready for us to move in. My uncle Fred introduced my parents years ago when my father trained at Depot, a cadet training camp for the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.

My uncle was the head trainer for the academy and was in charge of horse training for the Musical Ride. I loved horses and dreamed of riding. He was the first person to offer me some guidance here and there when he trained horses on his ranch. I'd be the first to run to the barn after school and watch him until dinner. From time to time, a barn owl would "hoot" from above the barn eaves above me, and somehow, I knew at that time that there was a special connection. I knew I was being watched over, but by whom, I wasn't quite sure at the time.

Fast forward to 2022.

My Uncle Fred passed away not long ago at the age of 92. I will always remember him as THE trainer for the R.C.M.P. He was a tall man and a fierce protector of his family and ours, too. His hugs are forever engrained in my memories. They were so strong that he almost squeezed the air out of me. But I knew it was love, and he loved everyone so deeply.

As I share this brief story, I know so many synchronicities in our world connect us to those in spirit.

Our loved ones are never ever far away…

As close to you as to the air that you breathe.

I was driving along the highway from Maxville, Ontario, a quaint town about fifty minutes from my home in Ottawa. I was returning from my weekly training with horses when I got a call from my sister, Jamie.

As I picked up the call, a snowy owl flew across the road in front of my car. It was breathtaking. I remember looking at the time on the car clock. It was 4:15 p.m. I said, “Oh my, an owl just flew in front of the car!”

My sister is deeply knowledgeable about animal symbolism and has a background in Native/Indigenous studies. She attends the Sundance Festival in Saskatchewan, Canada, every year, a rare honor bestowed upon very few people.

She immediately knew what that meant, as did I, but we never said anything. We just sat in silence for a few moments. I was almost in tears as I began to wonder who that was in spirit, and then I knew.

My cousin Sue called a few hours later to share that her father, my uncle Fred, had passed at 2:15 p.m. Alberta time. It was the exact time I had witnessed the owl crossing. Later that week, on a walk with her sister on a trail close to her home, she witnessed a snowy owl perched up high in the trees before her.

She knew the owl was indeed her dad at the moment and felt his love envelop her.

"Christie, the tears were streaming down my cheek! And I said, Thank you, Dad.” We talk about that moment and continue to share rare moments of owl sightings we have occasionally. Again, it is so rare and beautiful. Their posture even resembles that of my Uncle Fred in a weird way.

Owls are a rare sighting—the physical ones, at least.

Take note of any animal totems you have in your home, such as figurines, pictures, and even on your clothing.

I noticed I have more bird totems in my house than any other animal, such as the Blue Heron, Blue Jay, red Cardinal, and dove, as well as the bear, turtle, horse, deer, dogs, and wolf.

Signs, symbols, and signals bless us in many ways. Never discount or ignore them because they are our messengers, guides, and connections to help.

When you see one, ask, "What message do I need to experience, feel, or know now? Or "What are you telling me?"

Close your eyes, let your thoughts flow and move through and over you…, and allow any subtle hints or messages of guidance to flow into you and for you.

Then, write them down so you can refer back to them. You may experience thought images, video projections, feel sensations, or know things—maybe even hear whispers within the framework of the mind as an inner voice.

Messages are usually quite simple.

Never edit while you're writing down your experience.

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Thank you for reading along. If you'd like to subscribe to my inner circle. Subscribe here for more.

Take good care,


Christie Flynn, Evidential Medium, Coach and Writer

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D. K.
D. K.
Jun 15, 2024

When I was a kid, I would always hear an owl hooting at night. It really stuck with me because now whenever I see an owl, even just a picture or decoration of one, it brings me a feeling of calm. It's almost like the owl is my spirit animal.

Christie Flynn
Christie Flynn
Dec 31, 2024
Replying to

Thank you for sharing. I love the sound of the owl hooting, too. There is a calming feeling that they hold and share with us. A stream of calming wisdom.

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