Christie FlynnMay 96 min5 Ways to Honor and Remember Your Mother on Mother's DayHonoring a loved one after a loss can be challenging. It's not easy to articulate what we want or need.
Christie FlynnJun 16, 20227 minThe Journey Of Connection to Your Team of Light and Love - By Christie FlynnHi there and welcome, I’m aware that a lot is going on all over the world and in your world too. It can be a bit overwhelming but finding...
Christie FlynnNov 2, 20215 minWhat is Reiki?Reiki is more than what you THINK. By Christie Flynn, Reiki Practitioner, Medium and Teacher I often find myself explaining what Reiki...
Christie FlynnApr 9, 20216 minIs Guilt Part of The Grieving Process?After speaking with many clients who have held guilt close to their hearts, I have felt pulled to write. Is it normal to feel guilty?...